ESP for Vocational School (SMK) in Papua : Challenges and Solutions.

Vocational School or also known as SMK in Indonesia is a program education which has the purpose to prepare the learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, occupation, or vocation professionally. It is also referred to as technical education as the learners are developed directly to their field of expertise in particular techniques or scientific fields.
In order to develop and prepare the learners to participate in the work field professionally, SMK also should perform the relevant program for the learners, which is efficient, effectives, and accountable to sustain the program.
Therefore, SMK teachers are obliged to be able to communicate their vocational knowledge, skills, and experience in English. Based on the Merdeka Curriculum currently used in Indonesia, vocational school subjects are divided into two groups, namely Kelompok Mata Pelajaran Umum A and Kelompok Mata Pelajaran Kejuruan B. In this occasion, English subjects at vocational schools are included in Kelompok Mata Pelajaran Kejuruan B.
Teaching English at vocational school is a process in education world that prepares trainees for jobs that are based on or practical activities, traditionally non-academic, and totally related to a specific occupation or vocation, especially English teaching based on students’ field of expertise in SMK around Papua as English is a second language or foreign language that need to learned.
The aim of teaching English at the vocational school is to prepare students to master the English skills and knowledge base which will support the achievement of competencies and skills to implement the program expertise and skills mastery of English skills in oral and written communication at an advanced level
The key factor of the success of the teaching learning process is communication. Nurul Husna Amalia1 et al (2022) stated that a language teacher is a teacher who teaches students to understand language concepts and to use language for communication (Miller). While an English teacher is a teacher qualified to teach English and a teacher who understands the linguistic aspects of speaking and writing in English(1).
However, one of the challenges faced by English teachers in Vocational High Schools (SMK) is how to teach English which produces outcomes in the form of competent student communicative skills that are relevant to communication demands in the world of business and industry depending on their field of expertise. Also, teacher also faced big challenge to find techniques to improve the methodology of learning or the way to provide the learning English for fun and encourage for students.(2)
Consequently, there are factors that affect it, including SMK requiring the competence of English teachers, also SMK need to improve the syllabus that is used to arrange the program of expertise in SMK, and the delivery methods to engage the students to be involved in the classroom. This is also being noticed by the Papua Government. Based on article state that The Papua Provincial Government, through the local Education, Library and Regional Archives Service (DPPAD), is collaborating with the one of Language educational institution in Jayapura, to collaborate in increasing the competency of English teachers in all Vocational High Schools (SMK) in 2021.(3)
As a result, learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in vocational schools in Papua will be the solution to solve the problem, especially because their field of expertise is increasingly encouraging and investing in areas of expertise for their students. Also, its relevance and effectiveness for vocational student learning experience.
English for Special Purposes (ESP) refers to the teaching and learning of English as a second language where the student intends to use English in a specific context. In this case, ESP will be the solution to SMK teachers as an approach to teach English for SMK students in a learning context. According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p.19) ESP is an approach to language teaching, where all decisions are based on content and methods related to the student’s learning issues(4). They further state that in the past, the teaching of ESP was primarily concerned with linguistic aspects of the language. Now, it has shifted towards developing communication skills, and learning is very much directed by specific learner’s needs for mastering the language.(5)
Dr. Izak Morin also quotes the definition of ESP from Hutchinson and Waters, 1987, pages 16-19 in his lecturer material state that “In a linguistic sense, ESP represents relationships in the form of a tree. The tree represents some of the common divisions made in ELT. The top branch of the tree shows the level at which individual ESP courses occur. The branch just below this level depends on the student’s interest in English for Academic Purposes (EAP: English for Academic Purposes) or work/training (EOP/EVP/VESL: English for Vocational Purposes/English for Vocational Purposes/English for Vocational Purposes). This makes a difference. as a second language)”(6). There is also a method that can be used by ESP teachers by using need analysis, it can help teachers to analyse the target in the situation and learning needs. Need analysis is a key feature of ESP which is formerly focused rather exclusively on target or end of course requirement.
(The image for tree of ELT shown above)
In conclusion, ESP teachers for SMK works involve much more than teaching students in general ways because ESP is a practical discipline with the most important objective of helping students to learn. Therefore, English for specific purposes for vocational schools is the priority of the Indonesian government, especially the Papuan government to produce creative and knowledgeable vocational school graduates. Not only syllabus, methodology to deliver the learning also can affect effectiveness of teaching and learning.
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Junior Tutor